
Meet your Trusted Advisors & Co-Founder Team

IdeaPros® is your Trusted Advisor and Co-Founder Company. We provide you access to education, investors, and technology that gives you an unfair advantage with your idea or business.

The Big Idea! What is it? How do you explain it? How is it used in Raising Money for your Idea or Business? Watch Video

Turn your Good Idea into a Great Business


IdeaPros® is your Trusted Advisor
and Co-Founder Company. We
provide you access to education,
investors, and technology that gives
you an unfair advantage with your
idea or business.

Start Your Plan with IdeaPros®



Funding is a critical step for most
founders and entrepreneurs. IdeaPros provides a team of experts that prepare you in delivering a world class pitch that investors need to have and hear about your idea.

We can meet you where you are
in your founders journey.


Building your idea is the most exciting part of your project. IdeaPros has a full service team of designers, developers and marketers that will help curate your idea into a real product or service offering.

From minimum viable product/service to full scale manufacturing support.


Once your idea has been built. IdeaPros will assist in ensuring your idea is market ready by introducing you to our network of industry professionals. Additionally, we will prepare you to be a great leader!

Supporting you and your team in launching your idea to market.

Our founder, Fred Cary, has built billions of dollars in corporate value, taken three companies public, and has over 600k+ followers on social media , 100 million video views on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, and countless articles written about him internationally.  And he would like to partner with you.

Fred has inspired thousands of people to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals. Want to be legendary?

Featured IdeaPros Product

One Tool to Rake, Vacuum, Mulch & Bag Leaves

You’ll never touch a leaf by hand again.

Have your yard raked, mulched and bagged and to the curb in a fraction of the time.

  • No More Piles
  • No More Bagging By Hand
  • Removable Rake Head For Vacuuming Decks and Patios

Join The FREE Insiders' Club

Your Entrepreneurial Journey Doesn’t Have to Be Solo

Navigating the startup world as an outsider can be daunting. Why struggle alone when you can tap into a community and resources designed to uplift and guide you? 

What You’ll Get:

  1. Exclusive Content: Access articles, guides, and tools reserved solely for our Insiders’ Club members. Equip yourself with unique insights unavailable anywhere else.
  2. Deep-Dive Weekly Insights: Every week, immerse yourself in a comprehensive exploration of specific company-building elements. From branding to funding, get a holistic understanding of each component.
  3. New Connection Opportunities: Expand your network and connect with fellow founders, investors, and industry experts. Collaborate, share experiences, and learn together.
  4. Monthly Founder Webinars: Attend monthly sessions featuring success stories, business strategies, and Q&A segments with founders just like you. Gain insights from the best in the business.
  5. Discounts & Privileges: Enjoy exclusive discounts on seminars, workshops, and one-on-one support sessions. Plus, get priority access to capital opportunities to kickstart or scale your venture.
  6. Weekly Dose of Motivation & Inspiration: Let our regular content feed your entrepreneurial spirit, ensuring you stay motivated and inspired. Benefit from support, guidance, and mentorship, all without spending a dime.
Join the Insiders’ Club today, and transform from an outsider to an empowered insider.

Over 100K people have applied to work us.

Will you be next?

IdeaPros® takes ideas from start to finish through training, validation, modern business support & strategic funding roadmaps; along with word-class branding & marketing techniques.

All It Takes is One

Invest in 400+ vetted businesses with one legendary company.
We are building the infrastructure take on thousands of entrepreneurs. We have had 10s of thousands of Applicants offering to give us $100,000+ and 30% equity in their new companies.


IdeaPros By The Numbers


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IdeaPros By The Numbers


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Mentoring and Education